Balls Ache After Ejaculation
If I attempt to get aroused again within the next few hours this sorenessdiscomfort typically increases dramatically and I notice soreness in. Super tight feeling in the balls which starts to ache and stuff Just gotta release the buildup I think. Painful Ejaculation Healthy Male After ejaculation these muscles relax due to fatigue. Balls ache after ejaculation . I get it too though rarely since I just rub one out whenever I feel compelled haha If i start having sex and get to an excited stage and stop though then I really get it. If you space yourself between ejaculations and do something productive like yard work your sperm production will be more efficient giving you less pain after ejaculations. Urethritis the canal inside the penis prostatitis inflammation or infection. Bacterial infections can lead to an inflammation of the prostate and it could be a cause of pain after ejaculation that you. Groin pain and painful ejaculations have a number of causes. Concerning that