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Strong Body Odor Causes

Athletes foot is another cause of body odor. The toxicity may come from infection a proliferation of normal gut bacteria and other metabolic disorder. What Causes Body Odor Mel Rosenberg Youtube Diet stress and underlying medical conditions. Strong body odor causes . Intertrigo is a rash caused by trapped moisture and sweat. These are the two types of sweat glands and all human beings have them. Eccrine glands located throughout the body. Body odor is not always a result of a physical condition. Its the sweat produced by apocrine glands that is responsible for body odor because it is high in protein that when broken down by bacteria causes a stink. If you have hyperhidrosis disorder you sweat excessively and uncontrollably sometimes for no. Although the most common form of intertrigo is infant diaper rash adults can also get it from lack of air circulation to their skin. A strong body odor takes place when perspiration comes in contact with skin bacteria. Body odo