
Showing posts with the label spermicide

Spermicide For Males

The spermicide disables sperm from entering the uterus and causing fertilization of an egg or pregnancy to occur. Sperm are trapped by the barrier and destroyed by the chemical. How Far Are We From The Pill For Men Ecr Community Cream gel foam film and suppositories. Spermicide for males . Spermicide forms a chemical barrier at the entrance to the uterus. This means that the prostate is important when it. This results in enhanced risk of sexually transmitted diseases. With spermicide and the male latex condom which can be used with or without spermicide. In addition spermicides have the ability in changing the pH of the vagina which may cause yeast infections. Do not douche or rinse the vagina during this time. When used in anal sex spermicidal substances cause sores of rectal lining. Spermicide a chemical substance that immobilizes and destroys sperm is found in multiple forms jellies foams creams film or suppositories and is often combined with a barrier method