
Showing posts with the label dark

Dark Colored Ejaculate

Please post your question in one of our medical support communities. There are several common causes of brown semen most of them relatively benign. Semen Color Chart Yellow Clear Brown Jelly Texture And More Dark colored or discolored sperm shading in the semen that doesnt adjust itself may mean a low level of problems probably from the prostate or conceivably a disease and is absolutely a medicinal worry that you ought to talk about it with your doctor. Dark colored ejaculate . Therefore fore you should go for proper treatment to avoid getting into serious problems. The bleeding can take 2-3 months to clear up and the more you ejaculate the sooner it clears up. Sometimes it can be triggered by trauma to the perineum--the space between the scrotum and anus--for example after a bike ride horseback riding etc. You are not the only one and most of the men go through this health condition. This condition is known as hematospermia. Asking why is my sperm brown and not finding t